Shed owners told not to put wire mesh on their windows incase it injures burglars

The Telegraph reports Police have told residents to stop putting wire mesh on their garden shed windows – because they could be sued if a burglar is injured. A spate of thefts in several towns and villages in Kent and Surrey over the past few months led to many householders taking action to protect their… Continue reading Shed owners told not to put wire mesh on their windows incase it injures burglars

Great Slate keyring for your Shed – Two going spare if you want to win one.

I really hit my middle age today (and not just loving the new Punks not dad video) – I bought some nice slacks and cords & a new jumper from a M & S outlet but also picked up three of these great Slate keyrings with the Word “SHED” on them, perfect for putting your… Continue reading Great Slate keyring for your Shed – Two going spare if you want to win one.

Shed burglaries fall to Zero

Yes that would be a great headline, but in Staines area that was the news on the 2nd of April according to Flickr user Rex Mottram who found the advertising board, it was apparently true. But nothing on their website maybe it was stolen?

Pensioner injures child with explosive shed booby trap

According to the local A 14-year-old boy injured by a pensioner’s homemade booby trap returned home from the hospital on Wednesday, police in Dillenburg-Manderbach in the state of Hesse told The Local on Wednesday. A 78-year-old garden lot owner installed the device at the entry to his garden shed as a protection against thieves, but… Continue reading Pensioner injures child with explosive shed booby trap

Sheddies & DIYers to get discout vouchers for security gear

photo credit: bog_king Householders worried about recession-fuelled burglaries will be offered discount vouchers for security equipment by Home Secretary Jacqui Smith this week. The DIY store money-off scheme is part of a push to prevent the economic crisis sparking further rises in burglaries – which rose 4% in the most recent crime figures. Alarms, window… Continue reading Sheddies & DIYers to get discout vouchers for security gear