Who do you follow on twitter if you are after the latest on sheds ? @shedworking or me ;)

Well according to Twitter themselves – It’s me ! if you use the subject search on twitter for sheds or shed With some surprise – Iam top of the list – followed by nice boy of sheds Alex then the sheddies come fast and furious including lady sheddie & designer Nicola from In the Shed, Andy (he… Continue reading Who do you follow on twitter if you are after the latest on sheds ? @shedworking or me 😉

Follow the sheds on twitter and win great #shedweek prizes

As you know, voting has ended for Shed of the Year sponsored by Cuprinol Sprayable, so to drum up some support on twitter and get people interested in the shed, so I’m running a competition and giving people the chance to win some great sheddie prizes. To enter you need to follow @unclewilco and after… Continue reading Follow the sheds on twitter and win great #shedweek prizes

The Twitter is all a buzz about sheds and Shed Week 2010

Yesterday and Today & hopefully tomorrow – that twitter has been buzzing (not google buzz, yet) with the news that we are looking for Sheds for Shed of the year 2010, Why not add your shed NOW Thanks to the following and lots more for getting the shed love out there….. now lets hope we… Continue reading The Twitter is all a buzz about sheds and Shed Week 2010

How to set up a twitter #hashtag so people don’t bother to trend it #fail

The other day, before I got hit by man/shed flu again (or maybe because) I thought I would try and get a twiter trend started to promote your great sheds as its was #shedwednesday (another failure there) So the hastag I choose was #shedporn – on reflection I dont think it was a good idea… Continue reading How to set up a twitter #hashtag so people don’t bother to trend it #fail

The Power of Twitter (again) and not a lawyer in sight

The very talented artist Johannabasford is asking people to suggest things to draw via the twitter hastag #TwitterPicture and people are loving it… Someone else can explain the concept better than your shedmaster and they ask Johanna to draw a shed first, so kudos.. creative lot… The concept is simple. Johanna will create a picture… Continue reading The Power of Twitter (again) and not a lawyer in sight

Are you a Sheddie on Twitter – are we following you?

Twitter is becoming part of daily online life for a lot of sheddies and of course today was in the news bigtime for the Guardian Trafigura affair. Of course we can’t promise shed news of that altitude, but you may hear that @workshopshed is doing some welding in this shed, or @shedworking is mkaing some… Continue reading Are you a Sheddie on Twitter – are we following you?

Shed of the year 2009 Read all about it.

Featured Shed News

We have got some good coverage initially online (Twitter was the one of the biggest traffic drivers, thanks #shedweek) The funniest mention so far about shed week is from SkySports on the Ashes in Cardiff 14.03:”A nice little partnership developing between Pietersen and Collingwood. There were good starts for Strauss Cook and Bopara – but… Continue reading Shed of the year 2009 Read all about it.