Sheds have more wi-fi than wheelbarrows!

Our friends at Cuprinol have compiled this survey which features some of the finalists for Shed of the year 2017 🙂 53% of Brits now have Wi-Fi and electricity in their sheds compared with 25% who have a wheelbarrow according to new research by Cuprinol      Millennials are the most savvy when it comes to… Continue reading Sheds have more wi-fi than wheelbarrows!

National Shed Week 2015 – Brits spend almost a year of their lives in their sheds

As amazing spaces shed of the year is on the telly  – I have calmed down a bit about Shed Week as you can have too much sheds (ed.. you sure Wilco) anyway our friends at Cuprinol have come up with these stats. Brits love their sheds so much they would even get married in  Brits… Continue reading National Shed Week 2015 – Brits spend almost a year of their lives in their sheds

Shed of the year 2013 Enter now plus read all about Cuprinol’s Shed’onomics

Shed of the year winner 2012 - Wood Henge Can your shed be next?
Shed of the year winner 2012 - Wood Henge Can your shed be next?

A massive shed welcome to our Shed of the year sponsors Cuprinol who after the success of the last few years have decided to get involved with my little shed based competition and have given us £1000 as a prize to the winning shed! 🙂 They have also come up with a report reveals the… Continue reading Shed of the year 2013 Enter now plus read all about Cuprinol’s Shed’onomics

Shed Inventors: Where are the Caractacus Potts or Heath Robinsons

Andy from Workshopshed has written this guest shedblog post for Shed Week 2012 on something close to his tinkering in the shed heart – Shed Inventors. From my own experience the shed is a great place for making and repairing things, it provides space to work and store tools and allows me to keep projects… Continue reading Shed Inventors: Where are the Caractacus Potts or Heath Robinsons

The winner of shed of the year 2012 – is the pub shed “Woodhenge” owned by John Plumridge

It’s with great pleasure I announce the winner of Shed of the year 2012 – Wood Henge owned by John Plumridge from Shrewsbury. It was a such great example of the passion that the sheddies have and it’s amazing that John just started with a pagoda in this garden and has built his shed up… Continue reading The winner of shed of the year 2012 – is the pub shed “Woodhenge” owned by John Plumridge

The Finalists for Shed of the year 2012 are …

The winner has been announced – Woodhenge If this page is not loading properly you can see all the finalists over on the main interweb site readersheds 🙂 The winner will be announced during National Shed Week – which starts on July 2nd 2012 – so keep an eye on or follow Head sheddie @unclewilco on… Continue reading The Finalists for Shed of the year 2012 are …

The end is in sight for entry to Shed of the year 2012 : Closes May 20th 2012

The time has gone so quickly the past few weeks – but now it’s getting serious you now have less than 2 weeks to get your shed onto – with a few photos and info on your shed build. Public voting will start two weeks today on the 21st May – each shed page… Continue reading The end is in sight for entry to Shed of the year 2012 : Closes May 20th 2012

It’s not over until the big International Shed is announced

Shed week could not end without a post about the great sheds from all over the world, we have had a hundreds of sheds added from overseas and even though we don’t have an offical International Shed of the year (It would need a sponsor so I could give a prize) but it’s wonderfull to… Continue reading It’s not over until the big International Shed is announced