Unlock Your Garden’s Potential: The Rise of Modular Garden Rooms

The way we live and work has transformed dramatically in recent years. With a growing emphasis on remote working and the increasing value of outdoor space, many homeowners are seeking versatile solutions to enhance their properties. This is where modular garden rooms come in. Modular garden rooms offer a unique blend of functionality and aesthetics.… Continue reading Unlock Your Garden’s Potential: The Rise of Modular Garden Rooms

Cool things you can do when you add power to your shed!   

Thanks to Richard from WhatShed.co.uk for this guest post about cool things you can do when you add power to your shed. Ok so the title may make you think that we are talking about putting guns on the roof, zombie proof shutters on the windows and so on. But actually what we are talking… Continue reading Cool things you can do when you add power to your shed!   

Shed Inventors: Where are the Caractacus Potts or Heath Robinsons

Andy from Workshopshed has written this guest shedblog post for Shed Week 2012 on something close to his tinkering in the shed heart – Shed Inventors. From my own experience the shed is a great place for making and repairing things, it provides space to work and store tools and allows me to keep projects… Continue reading Shed Inventors: Where are the Caractacus Potts or Heath Robinsons

Shed FAQ : Battening down the hatches

Andy's Shed in the Snow - Make sure you are ready for the worse weather

This Guest post from the every handy Andy from Workshopshed – I was a bit slow on posting it… but its relevant now as it was when he sent it to me, also most sheddies are not as organised as Andy, so may only be getting round to it now 😉 Autumn is my favourite… Continue reading Shed FAQ : Battening down the hatches

Shed Week 2009 interviews: Secrets-of-shed-building

This is the last of the Shed Week guest posts from my favorite sheddies, hope you enjoyed them? You can View all the Shed Week Interviews here. Structures and how they are built have always interested me. As a Structural Engineer I spend most of my working life in an office designing buildings, calculating what… Continue reading Shed Week 2009 interviews: Secrets-of-shed-building

Shed Week 2009 interviews: Alex Johnson

This guest post is from Alex the mastermind behind the wonderful Shedworking.co.uk, I am aspiring to be a shedworker and Alex advice and wossnames are always worth a read! Myself and Alex have been in contact for a few years (4 I think!) but we have never meet, each shed year we are supposed to… Continue reading Shed Week 2009 interviews: Alex Johnson