Want a twit on a t-shirt?

Iam thinking of getting this printed… What do you think, as I seem to get a lot done on Twitter nowadays.. @unclewilco Thanks to http://tweetshirt.me/ for the idea!

Are you a shed Twitter?

No I don’t mean do you do some birdwatching from your shed. I mean do you use the Social texting communications do dah twitter? I use it to post the blog posts to plus to get an update on what people are adding their shed pics to the flickr group. With the news that it’s… Continue reading Are you a shed Twitter?

Twitter anniverasry

I have been Twittering on for about a year now. how times has flown when you have an automatic feed and it makes you look as if you are busy! of course most of you will say I dont twitter I twaddle, of course Year2 of my twitter will be filled with more intresting shed… Continue reading Twitter anniverasry