Shed Week: Shed of the year 2008 Announced

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Shed of the year 2009

I am very pleased to announce that this years Shed of the year 2008 is wonderful Pub Shed “The rugby pub” owned by Tim from Sudbury in Suffolk

To view more great images of Tim’s Shed click here.

Designed and built by owner,with eight roof lights in octagonal roof, pair of double doors opening as one entrance in fine weather, 15′ fully fitted bar with additional door behind and storage under including 3 fridges, blinds to windows and roof lights, ceiling fan, sink with cold running water, comfortably furnished with sea grass matting floor, Hammock. No phone, no TV ,no interruptions ,no shortage of liquid refreshment

It’s the perfect Man shed but he does let the wife and his friends in for a drink.

What our judges said.

“what a inspiring bunch of sheds this year, congratulations to the winner, let me know when England are playing next” Sarah Beeny

This looks like great fun, and those trapezoidal windows in the roof! not an easy thing to do, and the builder provided the best description. Great job, I want to have a drink there. – Lloyd Alter (treehugger)

Like the ceiling fan idea. If I had a shed like this with a bar in it I’d never leave. – Tony (Last years shed of the year winner)

“Pubs and sheds. It feels like there’s a natural link between them, two of the world’s greatest building concepts which are far more than the bricks and mortar (or timber and felt) from which they’re constructed. As soon as you step inside a great shed, you immediately have a warm and comfortable sensation, and that’s exactly how you should feel in a great pub too. Bring the two together and – BINGO! – you’ve got a very worthy winner indeed.” – Alex from Shedworking

I would like to thanks everyone involved this year for Shed of the year 2008, the judges, the main sponsors – Garden Buildings Direct, our other sponsors – the “cheese shed” and “Make mine a builders tea” and of course the biggest thanks go to all the sheddies who took part, without you is nothing.

It was a close vote in the end with the following wonderful sheds behind Tim

The Plot Thickens

then closely followed by
Green Gables

all the finalists are here.

Look out for the international shed of the year and our photo competition winners later in the week.

Behind the shed

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By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear


  1. Hi my name is Kate Owen and I am currently putting together a film about Britains love of the shed, especially unusual and quirky ones like yours. I would love to maybe talk to you more about it if you wouldn't email address is [email protected] I would really appreciate any information you could give me. Many thanks Kate

  2. can i ask how the plot thickens shed got to be runner up in 2008. I can't understand what is so special about it.

  3. Clearly the shed named ‘Jalsa Lodge’ was by far the best, it was the most modern with completely different features.

    Shed of the year is nice – dont think it deserved top spot.

  4. this shed is absulotely incredible.. it brings joy to my life just looking at it.. i feel pleasure overwhelming me when the shed is in my sight.
    such an amazing idea to build a beautiful shed. how could you of thought such an graphical theme. wow, wow.. i repeat, wow.
    im speachless, id love to have such an immense shed. i love it. such a worthy winner. gee, i wish i had one 🙁

    this is the most amazing thing that i’ve ever seen in my life.

    well done 🙂


  5. A quality winner to a quality competition. Cheers Tim, well deserved win, and Cheers too Uncle Wilco for making the whole celebration happen – I expect you could do with a drink now yourself.


    1. Cheers Simon, its all down to the sheddies, I am just dis organised and manged to get it all working of sorts at the end…

      yes I could do with a drink… so watch out Tim, you better hide the scotch!

      Next year sheddies less categories and maybe a change in how things are done, but watch that space…..

  6. This shed is the best, born out of inspiration and hard work and enjoyed now by so many people it is such a worthy winner – I can’t wait to get back and settle in at bar for lots of celebratory drinks – I hope the prices don’t go up now it’ s National Shed of the Year! -haha. Well done – true recognition for a great achievement!

    1. Hi Duncan’,
      I can’t wait to have a few celebratory drinks with you as well. But as for prices don’t even joke about it. There are already people speculatng as to wether or not hospitality comes at a price- nonsence of course- but there you go
      See you soon Dad

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