Shed.TV : Anglo Saxon Shed?

A reconstruction by the East Sussex Archaeology and Museums Partnership of an Anglo Saxon dwelling built over a pit. A style of building which could be copied and used in woods today.

Where you snowed in your shed today?

At least with this #uksnow lots of people taking photos of their sheds in the snow – a lovely sight to see, sheds that is not a big snow fan – think it goes back to a collapse igloo when I was a kid. [flickr]photo:4194422007[/flickr]

Categorized as Shed News

There are Spite houses but what about Spite sheds?

After reading BoingBoing this morning, this is the first time I have heard of Spite Houses, houses built to get on neighbours nerves. Wikipedia says. A spite house is a building constructed or modified to irritate neighbours or other parties with land stakes. Spite houses often serve as obstructions, blocking out light or access to… Continue reading There are Spite houses but what about Spite sheds?