Shed blast from the past: Distillery, TARDIS, Taj & Isolation Ward

Featured Shed News

Sometimes its hard to profile lots of the great sheds on as most people see the latest sheds (any ideas on different displays welcome) So here are a selection of Sheds that were added in the past but of course all previous sheds added to the site (apart from winners) are automatically entered for… Continue reading Shed blast from the past: Distillery, TARDIS, Taj & Isolation Ward

First there was now there is the ShedBuyErator

Want to buy a new shed and help your friendly shed loving website and blog?, that’s us btw. If you buy a shed but we get a lot more in terms of karma if you then share that shed on once you have erected it and pimped it! As its not free to get… Continue reading First there was now there is the ShedBuyErator

If a certain lager brewery made pub sheds – these would be the best pub sheds in the world

This is not a favoritism list but based on number of page views of sheds added to since 2009, enjoy and remember to Share Your shed. For some reason there are a few Scottish sheds in the list – maybe the scots sheddies have a load of mates who visit the shed, but I… Continue reading If a certain lager brewery made pub sheds – these would be the best pub sheds in the world