Shed judge trevor gets Honorary Doctorate

Please to here from the BBC [singlepic id=2 w=320 h=240 float=center] The inventor of the wind up radio Trevor Baylis is to be presented with an Honorary Doctorate. Former stuntman Mr Baylis OBE will be among five people honoured by Northampton University this summer.

More prizes for the Shed of the year Winner

Featured Shed News

Not only will the shed of the year 2008 owner get £500 worth of prizes from our main sponsor Garden Building Direct and have a choice of what to get from their lovely websites. I can now announce that our shed friends at thecheeseshed and make mine a builders tea have given some great prizes… Continue reading More prizes for the Shed of the year Winner

What our judges say about Shed week

You may have noticed the panel on the right with some quotes in, I thought I would get them in one place. ‘Another exciting year for sheddies – this competition is a beautiful example of how the British are not just skilled craftsmen but have great imaginations not to mention excellent senses of humour’ Sarah… Continue reading What our judges say about Shed week

Trevor sells Lego workshop for charity

Celebrities and politicians are selling their Lego creations on eBay to mark the toy’s 50th anniversary. Trevor Baylis is an inventor whose most famous invention is a wind-up radio. Aged 70, he runs Trevor Baylis Brands, a company dedicated to aiding inventors. “When I picked up the box of Lego I did wonder what I… Continue reading Trevor sells Lego workshop for charity

Who Will be Shed of the Year 2008? Tardis, Beach Hut or Humble Shed.

Featured Shed News

Official Shed Partner For Shed Week 2008 Share your shed for “Shed of the Year 2008” and win £500 worth of prizes. The race is on to win the coveted Shed of the Year title which will be held this summer as part of the second National Shed Week. We are very pleased to announce… Continue reading Who Will be Shed of the Year 2008? Tardis, Beach Hut or Humble Shed.

Happy birthday Trevor

Featured Shed News

Belated happy wossname to Shed of the year judge Trevor Bayliss for the 13th May he is now 71! A grand age for a sheddie, just getting to his prime!