Shedworking virtual book tour on that internet telly

Alex shed judge and that bloke who knows all about shedworking has launched some screencasts/Tellyshots and the like about his shedworking book which I reviewed here. and here is a video book tour on Green shedworking If you want to look at Alex reading from his book about other shedworking subjects then look here. Its… Continue reading Shedworking virtual book tour on that internet telly

Gordon Brown may have some spare time later this year will he be in his shed?

Alex reports on the fact that Current Prime minister Gordon “One Shed” Brown as a Garden office. photo credit: david_terrar One of the revelations to emerge, albeit rather obliquely, from the MPs’ expenses shenanigans is that Gordon Brown is a shedworker. The PM decided to pay back £500 he had claimed on expenses for painting… Continue reading Gordon Brown may have some spare time later this year will he be in his shed?