Tony’s roman temple shed gets a new roof for Shed Week 2010

Of course a lot of the shed news this week has been about Shed of the year 2010 But lets not forget the forerunners in this celebration of sheds and sheddies, the competition would not be as popular and the sheds as innovative without the past sheddie winners setting the bar so high. It was… Continue reading Tony’s roman temple shed gets a new roof for Shed Week 2010

Tony “Roman Temple Shed” Shed of the year Winner has a new shed

I has an email from Tony the winner of the first Shed of the Year, saying he’s got a new shed! I thought blimey what’s he done this time! The new shed is another Roman Temple but this one is one-thirtieth full size and it’s built of Lego. There’s even a one-thirtieth version of me… Continue reading Tony “Roman Temple Shed” Shed of the year Winner has a new shed