Of course Iam so disorganised I will just be thinking about sheds all week and probably posting a few things, I still have shedflu and the pressure/excitement of shedweek has already taken it’s toll
Anyway more importantly what are you sheddies doing for shed week? leave a comment or let me know and I will mention your wossnames.
Alex, over at shedworking is running 5 votes to do with sheds, so get over there and vote
I also have a small poll as they say on the left hand side of this blog.
I’ve posted a celebration of our allotment sheds today and hope to have other ‘sheddy’ tales on my blog throughout the week. I’m also dead chuffed that 2 of my blogging buddies have reached the finals of Shed of the Year!
Some great allotment sheds on there… and of course the allotment shed is a great example of what a great shed should be
Giving away FREE virtual sheds – all week
Get yours at http://www.secrets-of-shed-building.com
Cheers John..
Later this week John will also be writing a first time shed builders guide right here on shedblog!