Sheddie hopes to draw every item from his Grandfather’s shed

Artist Lee John Phillips has got a task in hand but it’s looking amazing so far. I am currently cataloguing the entire contents of my late grandfather’s tool shed. I estimate the project to take around 5 years and will involve me illustrating in excess of 100,000 items. Follow his work on twitter or instagram… Continue reading Sheddie hopes to draw every item from his Grandfather’s shed

A quick Q & A with #shedoftheyear 2014 winner Joel the Allotment Roof Shed owner

You all saw Joel win Shed of the year 2014 with his excellent Allotment roofed Shed on Channel 4’s Amazing Spaces – now hear from the man himself. 1) So it’s been 6 months since you won Shed of the year 2014, how’s it been What a 6 months it’s been thanks to you and… Continue reading A quick Q & A with #shedoftheyear 2014 winner Joel the Allotment Roof Shed owner

So who’s getting a tattoo of their shed done in a shed?

Judge Dredd tat done in a shed
Judge Dredd tat done in a shed

After my post yesterday about creative sheddies – I remembered this amazing tattoo artist who plies his creative trade from his shed. also you may remember that shed of the year judge Max Mcmurdo got a tattoo of a shed on his body – SO shed Tattoos are the in thing for hipsters as well… Continue reading So who’s getting a tattoo of their shed done in a shed?

Can you crowdsource a wood burner for sheddie Ivan Pope’s shed?

New Sheddie and artist Ivan Pope emailed me to say “I’ve been building a shed on my allotment entirely out of reclaimed materials. Now I’m running crowdfunding project to put a tiny woodburning stove in it for the winter. I think this is probably the first shed realated crowdfunding project.” anyway here is some info… Continue reading Can you crowdsource a wood burner for sheddie Ivan Pope’s shed?

Shed of the year 2012 entry closing soon & Panoramic Shed

Closing date for Shed of the year 2012 is Sunday 20th may (add yours now) and I can see the sheddies are thinking of unique ways to show off their sheds. Sheddie and friend of readersheds Elena Thomas (you may remember she covered a shed in fabric many moons ago.) Asked me if she could add this large… Continue reading Shed of the year 2012 entry closing soon & Panoramic Shed

Shed of the year 2011 winner Jon Earl talks shed with Peter Allen on Radio 5 Live

Shed of the year 2011 Winner Jon Earl & Songs from the Shed

In case you missed it the always brilliant Jon Earl talks about his award winning shed Songs from the shed last night on the 5Live drive, plus readersheds gets a namecheck 🙂 You can listen again for the next few days – it starts at 2:56ish here. I wonder if we can Peter Allen to… Continue reading Shed of the year 2011 winner Jon Earl talks shed with Peter Allen on Radio 5 Live

Sheddie Simon Kirby of the The Plot Thickens allotment campaign

Long time sheddie and friend of readersheds, Simon Kirkby is having some issues with the local council and his allotment – anyone had similar problenms? I’ve had an allotment at Wash Common in Newbury for sixteen years and have been in dispute with the Town Council for more than two years now. As Chair of… Continue reading Sheddie Simon Kirby of the The Plot Thickens allotment campaign

Know someone who likes record breaking Bikes made of wood in a shed? they should join this club

Well you need to buy them a SplinterBikeClub membership from eco Sheddie Michael Thompson it’s a great way of raising funds for the next big world record breaking attempt an “Hour Record for 100% wooden bicycles” – He’s also on the lookout for sponsors – so any big shed companies interested contact Michael. Here’s your… Continue reading Know someone who likes record breaking Bikes made of wood in a shed? they should join this club