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You really need to help Bletchley park just look inside the huts #bpark

We have shown the state of the Bletchley park huts before, but here are some shots of the inside of the huts… I thought the outsides were bad. These photos from the Bletchley park editor. [flickr]photo:4286407304[/flickr][flickr]photo:4286406650[/flickr][flickr]photo:4285664855[/flickr][flickr]photo:4286405036[/flickr][flickr]photo:4285663521[/flickr][flickr]photo:4286396092[/flickr][flickr]photo:4285612239[/flickr] of course Bletchley park is the charity of shed week, so look out for our charity auction in the… Continue reading You really need to help Bletchley park just look inside the huts #bpark

£250,000 Government Funding for Critical & Hut Repairs at Bletchley Park

Image from http://twitter.com/bletchleypark

Some great news from Bletchley Park Culture Secretary Ben Bradshaw will visit Bletchley Park on Thursday 25 March 2010 to announce the allocation of £250,000 DCMS funding for urgent repairs at the neglected WW2 Codebreaking Centre. The grant, which comes from the reallocation of under-spends elsewhere in the DCMS budget for 2009-2010, will allow the… Continue reading £250,000 Government Funding for Critical & Hut Repairs at Bletchley Park

Moon’s Duncan Jones does his bit for Bletchley Park and Shed Week: How about you?

I mentioned before that we would be getting some signed items to raise funds for Bletchley Park when I run an online auction on that ebay for Shed Week in July. Duncan Jones BAFTA award winning director and nice bloke has given us three signed copies of his wonderful film MOON to auction off for… Continue reading Moon’s Duncan Jones does his bit for Bletchley Park and Shed Week: How about you?

Bletchley Park Huts restoration project-managed by Prince of Wales Trust

Great news…missed this yesterday lets hope this helps get the Huts sorted! The restoration of Bletchley Park, the centre of Britain’s code-breaking activities in the Second World War, is to be project-managed by one of the Prince of Wales’s charities – the Prince’s Regeneration Trust, it was announced today. The work will include restoring some… Continue reading Bletchley Park Huts restoration project-managed by Prince of Wales Trust

Do something for Bletchley park and win unique shed items during Shed Week

As you know, Bletchley Park is the charity for Shed Week 2010. During World War II, Bletchley Park was the site of the United Kingdom’s main decryption establishment, the Government Code and Cypher School. Ciphers and codes of several Axis countries were decrypted there, most importantly ciphers generated by the German Enigma and Lorenz machines.… Continue reading Do something for Bletchley park and win unique shed items during Shed Week