Top ten things to do in a shed – dont worry drinking is there.

Good to hear that someone has spent time and money looking at this important research.. as we know here on shedblog and readersheds, drink beer is probably a little higher!

  • 1. Tinker with tools (41%)
  • 2. Gather junk (37%)
  • 3. Pot up plants for the garden (30%)
  • 4. Mend/make furniture (23%)
  • 5. Work (18%)
  • 6. Maintain or revamp cars, bikes etc (17%)
  • 7. Play music (17%)
  • 8. Drink beer (16%)
  • 9. Read the paper (13%)
  • 10. Have a sneaky cigarette (10%)
  • Men will spend almost three-and-a-half years of their life ‘pottering around’ in their shed or garage, according to new research.

    Each week, the average bloke will ‘be busy’ in an outhouse for a whopping 12 hours and 39 minutes – a total of 27 days and 10 hours a month.

    Between the ages of 30 and 76, this means men will spend a staggering 3 years, five months and two weeks tinkering in their workshop.

    But more than half admit they only retire to their shed to enjoy some ‘man-time’ away from their partner or family.

    And 38 per cent even lie about working on DIY projects when they are actually in there doing nothing.

    Sylvia Marshall for DIY & homes website, which carried out the poll, said: ‘’The findings show just how obsessed men are with their sheds – often using them as a means of escapism from the pressures of work or family life.

    “Just as women like to have pampering time or watch their favourite soap – men crave time in their shed or workshop.

    “Sheds seem to be a refuge for men to while away time away from their partner or kids without having to explain themselves.

    “And having DIY projects on the go tends to mean men can happily tinker away in the sheds guilt free.”

    A poll of 2,000 shed or garage owners also revealed half of those sometimes spending the entire the day in the shed, and 46 per cent head straight out there as soon as they get home from work.

    By Andrew Wilcox

    I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear


    1. Juts bought a new shed from Garden Buildings Online a great website they have a nice little free online editor that let me design my shed from scratch, which was much better as i wanted it to become my office so needed to add a few things that other sheds may not of had, just finished wiring the electric and my new office is ready to use love it my own space where the wife can’t bother me.

    2. The calculation is wrong. It's not 27 days 10 hours a month – the stats. add up to that much time a year.

      Interesting, just the same.

      Richard (four sheds) Hacker.

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