This blogger is now ‘relieved’

Featured Shed News

I mentioned that I needed/wanted one of these for shedweek. and I was sent one.. thanks to the berocca people…. a bit late for shedweek, but always welcome, been busy

Shedblog subscribers update

Featured Shed News

WE have finally broken the mythical 100 subscribers to the shedblog feed Watch it go up/down/down/up/down here of course you can subscribe to my shed based mutterings via email as well. of course you can also follow me on twitter as well and you will get updates to the Flickr photo competition on that feed… Continue reading Shedblog subscribers update

Talk about sheds in our Forum

Featured Shed News

Our Forum is finally working (or looks better anyway) so get on there to talk about your shed build now. you need to be a member of the blog to post.

Interact with the sheds

Featured Shed News

With all the talk of Social wossname and user interaction and the like, I thought I would find other ways of you sheddies getting involved with readersheds/shedblog and of course Shed week, currently you can just Contact me using the standard form and I will try and answer your email, or post on the Forum… Continue reading Interact with the sheds

Shedblog blog tagged

I have been blogged tagged by Alex over at shedworking, rules at the bottom. anyway here are my random things about me I trained as a chef many years ago- but still enjoy cooking for fun I drink my coffee black and tea white (2 sugars in both if no-one is watching) I have not… Continue reading Shedblog blog tagged

Shedblog back

Well sort of. Looks like we had a few technical issues while I was away and Alex could not do his guest posts. not to worry I will try and post the Shed of the Week later, as I have a lot of other things to catch up with.