Take a tour of Roald Dahl’s Writing Hut

Cardiff born Roald Dahl’s Writing Hut has been mentioned on this blog and the other one that can spell since shed time started.

But it’s always great to have a reminder of his nice writing space and today the BBC Archive has posted this on their twitters.

You can read more on his writing hut over at the official Dahl website.

Roald Dahl got the idea for a special place to write from one of his favourite authors, Dylan Thomas. Thomas lived in Laugharne, Wales, from 1944 until his death in 1953 and wrote in a shed overlooking the Taf Estuary. Roald had been taking holidays in nearby Tenby since his childhood, and on one visit to Laugharne in the 1950s saw Thomas’ writing shed and realised he needed a similar place in which he could focus on his writing without being disturbed. 

Rachel White, Archive Manager at the Roald Dahl Museum

And it always gives us an excuse to show of my favourite writing shed – Dylan Thomas’s down the Boathouse in Laugharne, Wales, which of course was an entrant for the Historic Shed of the year a few years back.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear