One piece of advice for new sheddies from the shed experts – you

I asked on twitter & facebook for one bit advice sheddies would give new sheddies.

Reg Miller (Shed of the year 2010 winner) says


Joanne Harris – author and shedworker

Dominic Jones : Oddjones says

Use it! – Shed time is creative time. Pack shed with inspiring stuff and tools to act on inspiration. Make it comfy enough to spend time in

Songsfromtheshed says

“Only fill your shed with things that make you smile or that have a mildly oily aroma”

Debs Carr

make sure their shed reflects your personality, tho i’m not sure what that says about me!

Shed judge Alex from Shedworking says

“Don’t let it become a dumping ground for rubbish from the house. It’s an office. Apart from at Christmas, obviously.”

Shed Cartoonist Colin Shelbourn

security security security …. make it secure & don’t make it obvious what’s in it (if it’s an office).

Sean Micheal Grady says

Think big!

Maundy Mitchell
Give it room to grow. I’ve added a chicken coop, paths, and this year I’ll add more gardens.”

What would you care to add anything from the sage advice of the sheddie?

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear