Sheddie creates arcade in his own barn

Featured Shed News

The metro reports.

It must be every gaming fanatic’s dream – a private arcade where you can step straight into the cockpit of a Star Wars X-Wing fighter.

But for gamer Shaun Meldon, it’s no dream. The 39-year-old has created his own video game sanctuary with more than 50 classic arcade games.

The converted barn houses original versions of Breakout, a 1978 bat-and-ball game, its successor Pong and, of course, the mock-up X-Wing – and they are all stuck on freeplay.

‘I suppose it really is a hobby that has got out of control but these machines need saving – they are part of our heritage,’ he said. The fanatic started playing in arcades as a child and bought his first ‘cabinet’ in 1995.

‘It was called Robotron and basically it was an old-fashioned shoot-em-up game.

‘My other half, Dawn, was not too happy about it because at the time we were living in a one-bedroom flat,’ he said.

I would love an xbox360 in my shed, but mrs uncle wilco would prefer a new sofa 🙁

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By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear