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Judge Q and A : Sarah Beeny

Last year’s and of course one of the great 2008 judges Sarah Beeny has answered my questions.

Q) With the increase in self-builds and property development moving
into the garden space, how do you think this will effect sheddies.

It just goes to prove that sheddies are leaders in fashion not followers!

Q) What one bit of advice would you give to potential developers?

Overestimate how much it will cost, overestimate how long it will take and underestimate how much you will sell it for.

Q) Is the fashion for building downwards (ie basements and lower) especially in London really a cry for help and the need for a shed?

Absolutely clearly if they could fit a shed in their garden they would be unlikely to be building a basement.

Q) You are seen as the sheddies favourite but who are you inspirations?

Dolly Parton – for being just fabulous

Q) What would be your ultimate bolthole/shed-away-from-it-all and
where would it be?

Sometimes I think the perfect shed would be on a cliff top in a terrible storm but I am torn between thinking it would be horribly depressing or horribly romantic

Q) If your shed was on fire what would be the first thing you would

I keep old digital camera cards there – that would be number one on my list.

Sarah is currently filming Property Ladder for Channel4, she is also founder of cult dating website

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