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Enterprising sheddies – shedworking is the future!

I spent a great day on Friday in that London at the Home Enterprise Day Conference, which was organised by the multi-talented Emma Jones from Enterprise nation.

Basically it was a day where people who want to become home businesses owners or are already running something from home, can get some good advice from various speakers and meet other like minded people, Doug Richard (of School for startups and a former Dragon) gave the keynote and set the tone for the day, in an inspirational and humorous way, some great ideas to implement, now only if I can read my own writing.

The reason that was there, was firstly to learn more about running a successful home based business or in our case a shed based business (which is run 5 till 9) and secondary and most importantly to meet some sheddies!

The first sheddie I met was uber shedworker Alex from shedworking (yes that Alex, the shed judge and nice boy of sheds)

I am the scruffy one on the right.

I have know Alex for nearly 5 years now and we have never met (blinking online), so it was a great opportunity to chat face to face about Shed Week and some other things we may want to do.. to be honest I think I talked to Alex too much, well 5 years of sheds did seem to blurt out within the first 15 mins, so sorry Alex.. but we must meet up again soon but at a slower pace.

The other sheddie I met was the lovely Nicola Brown, know as intheShed, a designer who works from her shed (watch this space for pics of the shed soon), I thought I was passionate about sheds but Nicola could easily convert anyone to the idea of shedworking.

I also spoke to some people who are potential sheddies, one was Colin Shelbourn, who is just about to move into a shed which will be used for this cartoon business – we wish Colin luck with his shed and hope he shares it!

I also had some nice chats to various none shed people @MarketingDonut, @sansharma to namecheck two.

Overall a great day in that London, and I stayed until yesterday with mrsUW, so shopping and the odd pint instead of business talk and sheds.

Bring on Home Enterprise Day 2010!

Here is a selection of photos from the day

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.

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