Site icon ShedBlog #shedoftheyear 2024

My sheddie : Tracy McAlister Mackay

Sheddies name


Shed name

The shed with the chandelier

Selfbuild or off the shelf shed?

We had a local shed builder built it.

Why have you got a shed? uses etc

I am an artist so its my studio. I was taking over the house with my projects… so it was definately necessary. The shed has since been used for projecting movies, recording music, band practice, sleepovers… a place where friends have sat and had a chance to think and dream.

How would you describe your shed?

It started out as my studio but it has expanded into a virtual focus for conversations on creativity, so that people might be encouraged to go and create there own “shed”and if not start in the corner of their kitchen, bedroom and make room in their life to create what they need to be making and doing.

Who are your Shed inspirations

My Grandad and my Dad’s sheds

Future Shed plans

More shelves, it is a shed after all :

How did you find out about our community

On the web.

What word or words would you use to sum up Sheds

they can be anything you dream off.

You can also join Tracy in her shed over at






If you would like to feature in My Sheddie then please fill in this Q & A


If you think you have a shed that can compete with this in the Shed of the year competition then why not share it over at and you could be in the running for the £1000 prize from Cuprinol and your shed could have the title of Shed of the year 2012 🙂

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