Site icon ShedBlog #shedoftheyear 2024

My Sheddie : PJ Reelwood

Sheddies name


Shed name


Selfbuild or off the shelf shed?

its a self build, when i say self i mean i designed it and built all the technical innards and a company called garden pleasure built the shell

Why have you got a shed? uses etc

i used to have a home cinema in my living room but when my girlfriend moved in it had to go to make way for a normal living room so people could actually sit in it and have conversations etc. she suggested moving the cinema to the bottom of the garden so it would be out of the way i envisioned a little shack with a portable tv in it! how wrong could i have been

How would you describe your shed?

its amazing i still cant believe its mine! its better than i ever imagined it, its also like a tardis and the floorspace seems twice the size than the actual piece of land it was built on
its perfect for a quiet night in with a movie or a fun party playing video games

Who are your shed inspirations?

the home theater installs i used to see in american magazines that cost thousands upon thousands and i never dreamed i could ever own and my grandad cause he had a shed that could magically supply whatever tool or item a situation required!

Future Shed plans

i would like a normal one to put the garden furniture in!

How did you find out about our community?

through sarah beeny

What word would you use to sum up Sheds


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