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Shepherd’s huts are the in thing for the middle classes

According the the shed friendly telegraph.

All sorts of people have them, according to David Cherrington of the Shepherd’s Hut Company: “I have sold huts to lords and ladies, scrap metal dealers, amateur painters and everyone in-between.”

There’s something about a shepherd’s hut; something transcendental, some Proustian tug to the past. Once seen, never forgotten and eternally desired. You could imagine Thomas Hardy’s Gabriel Oak sitting inside one of these simple little structures, feeding a sickly lamb in front of a warm stove while picturesquely pining for Bathsheba in Far from the Madding Crowd.

The shepherd’s hut was a simple yet comfortable wooden home on wheels. In the past it was a common sight during lambing on the Wessex Downs when shepherds watched their flocks by night and day. It was kitchen, dining room, bedroom and parlour all rolled into one. When the sheep needed moving the hut came too – it was the ultimate rural mobile home. But times and farming practices change and the majority of huts ended up stranded in hedges, alone and isolated in woodland or serving out their days as hen coops. Until now.

Of course can they stand up to the awesomeness of Thurgarton Iron Works huts!

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